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Complete a Level 1 course to learn the core elements of the Bach Flower Remedies system


Cost for 2025: R3 200 (incl VAT)

Anybody can learn how to use the Bach flower remedies effectively. The Level 1 course gives detailed information on all of the remedies, including client case studies and group discussions.


It is recommended for those who wish to use the remedies personally, for friends and family, or to integrate them into use with clients in an existing therapeutic modality.


Completing the Level 1 course will give you a solid foundation in understanding the legacy of Dr Bach and the use of the Bach Flower Remedies. 


Even experienced users will benefit from the chance to take an in-depth look at the remedies and explore their use in everyday situations for self, family and friends.


The course is facilitated by an experienced Bach Trainer, who is approved by the International Bach Centre.

It lasts over two full days. The groups are limited to maximum 12 participants to ensure individual attention and maximum learning. 

The fee covers course materials and training costs. Morning and afternoon refreshments are included but lunch is excluded. Students are responsible for their own accommodation arrangements.


I took part in this training course. Learned so much about myself and the remedies. I will be using this knowledge in my daily life. Sanien is a great teacher and it was lovely to meet other participants. It’s for anyone looking for a safe, gentle, effective way to bring balance and wellbeing.

Khin Khin


Cost for 2025: R3 200 (incl VAT)

The DLP (Distance Learning Programme) is the International Bach Centre's introductory-level correspondence course. It makes it possible for people living in South-Africa to have access to the training, at a fraction of the cost of travelling.

The level 1 training course can be completed in the comfort of your home. It consists of 5 modules which will be sent by email. As you complete the assignments, it will be assessed and feedback will be provided. 

The course is not offered on a web site, but modules and assignments are sent and received by email. 

A list of recommended books are included and together with the course material, provides a structured way of learning about the remedies.

The suggested time to complete the Level 1 Distance Learning Programme is 3 months.


Finding the course very interesting and thought-provoking. Thank you so much for all your wonderful feedback, Sanien. I appreciate how you extend what I’ve said and make me think about things again!!

I am very excited to be using the Bach Flower Remedies and see the results.


After successful completion of Level 1, all participants will receive an International Bach Centre approved certificate.

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